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Collagen Vs Calcium: Which is Better for Your Skin?

In the great battle between collagen vs. calcium, it’s less about choosing sides and more about reaping the benefits of both wellness powerhouses.

Who can forget the infamous “Got Milk” campaigns of the early 90s? The one where our favorite celebs sported milk-mustache smiles and boasted about how strong the calcium made their bones. 

But calcium alone doesn’t strengthen your skeleton. After all, collagen accounts for over 90% of the organic bone matrix. But when it comes to collagen vs calcium, which is better for your skin?

The truth is collagen and calcium work in harmony to benefit your overall health. Join us as we explore their individual roles, and why collagen peptides deserve a spot in your skincare arsenal.

Collagen Vs Calcium

The debate over collagen and calcium boils down to what your goals are, as they each offer unique benefits. Calcium is essential for preventing osteoporosis and maintaining optimal bone health.

But bones, by nature, are rigid, and they need collagen’s elastic, flexible substance to stay nimble as we age. However, calcium primarily prioritizes bone health, whereas collagen is an anti-aging powerhouse for youthful, firm, healthy skin.

Think of it this way: If your body were a house, collagen would serve as the foundation, providing structure and flexibility, while calcium is the cement that holds it all together. Without both, the entire structure would start to weaken.

Let’s take a closer look at both collagen and calcium.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a blend of amino acids (proteins) found in your skin, cartilage, and bones, acting like a cushion for your joints and tissues. It’s flexible and stretchy, but as we get older, our body makes less and less.

That’s why so many people turn to collagen supplements, powders, and anti-aging products to restore lost collagen.

Does collagen have calcium in it? Collagen alone doesn’t contain calcium since it’s a protein and calcium is a mineral. 

Collagen and Skin Health: Anti-Aging Benefits

Research shows that oral collagen may pack a better punch than topical because it reaches the skin faster. This makes it more effective at targeting visible signs of aging like wrinkles, loss of firmness, and dark spots. 

But the magic of collagen doesn’t stop there.

Collagen peptides are tinier forms of collagen that the skin easily absorbs, making them better for overall wellness. 

Other wellness perks include:

  • Better skin elasticity and firmness
  • Stronger bones
  • More skin hydration
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  • Better joint health
  • Helps regenerate cells (necessary to replace old, dead cells with fresh, new ones that contribute to a fresh, youthful complexion)

How to Get Collagen: Oral Vs Topical

There’s no shortage of ways to up your collagen intake: vitamins, powders, bone broths, the list goes on.


Our favorite way to savor this anti-aging hero? Drinking delicious Collagen Beauty Drinks that can help bolster your joints, bones, and gut.

You can also find collagen in vitamin-C-rich foods like citrus fruits, berries, bell peppers, and brussel sprouts.

Prefer a bite-sized dose that feels like a tasty indulgence? Forever Beaumore’s embody gummies are a delicious edible supplement proven to give you a gorgeous glow. They boost collagen production while hydrating skin from within and restoring the skin barrier.


Collagen is naturally a large structure that’s too big for the skin to absorb, which tends to make topical collagen delivery less ideal. The solution? 

Collagen peptides.

These smaller collagen molecules are easier for your skin to absorb, making them a potent dose of revitalization.

Our Collagen Beauty Cream is a great example, made with anti-pollutant ingredients that protect and defend your complexion against external triggers.

The result? An effortless glow, even skin tone, and limitless confidence!

Dosage: How Much Collagen Should I Take?

Experts suggest you can safely take 2.5-15 grams of collagen daily without experiencing adverse side effects like allergies, digestive issues, or bloating.

So, how does calcium stack up?

What is Calcium?

While collagen targets the elastic parts of our body, calcium is the mineral responsible for bone density and strength. Like collagen, it diminishes as we age, which is why supplementation is so important.

Calcium and Skin Health: Anti-Aging Benefits

Calcium supplements can foster cellular regeneration and help restore your skin barrier (the skin’s outer layer that protects against environmental damage). 

Calcium is also important for muscle strength and function, along with giving us strong teeth (which are, after all, bones) and nerves.

Additional calcium benefits include:

  • Better blood flow and prevents blood clotting
  • Support with managing hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Increased nerve signaling
  • Stronger cardiac function
  • Balanced muscle contraction
  • More stable cholesterol levels

How to Get Calcium

When the Williams sisters asked, “Got Milk?” they weren’t wrong — dairy is a great source of calcium, along with fish, leafy greens, and almonds.

The catch? Sometimes it’s hard to get enough through food alone. And that’s where calcium supplements step up to bat.

Dosage: How Much Calcium Should I Take?

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommend 1,000 mg of calcium per day for 19-50 year olds. However, those pregnant, lactating, or on a vegan diet may need a bit more.

In these cases, calcium supplements are an excellent option. Just remember to consult your doctor before starting new supplements, as too much calcium can cause health issues (like kidney stones or digestive problems).

Strong bones, healthy skin — who wouldn’t want it all? The good news is, you don’t have to choose between collagen and calcium. In fact, there are ways to get a boost of both at once!

Which is Better: Collagen Vs Calcium?

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your needs. 

  • Want firmer, more youthful skin that glows effortlessly? Use collagen peptide supplements.
  • Want to promote stronger bones and prevent osteoporosis? Reach for calcium.

  • The bottom line? It’s not a question of collagen vs calcium since they serve two distinct purposes. The best wellness routine combines essential nutrients with modern skincare for a holistic approach to beauty. 

    That’s precisely what Forever Beaumore delivers with i’s time-honored skincare, collagen drinks, edible gummies, and wellness solutions

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