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A meditation setup featuring a round wooden tray with lit candles, a reed diffuser, pink salt crystals, a small plant in a golden holder, and stacked smooth stones. In the background, a person sits cross-legged, creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

Does Stress Age You? How Stress Increases Your Biological Age + 6 Ways to Reverse It

Noticing more wrinkles than trips around the sun? Stress could be aging you. The good news? The science shows you can reverse it.

We’re all aging, but some of us might feel it more than others. Can you chock it up to poor genetics, or is there something going on beneath the surface of your skin?

How does stress age you? And while we’re on the subject: does stress cause wrinkles?

At Forever Beaumore, we know that accelerated aging is a result of many factors, and in this article, we’ll look at how stress affects your biological age. We’ll also share what you can do about it.


Does Stress Age You?

A recent study from Cell Metabolism shed new insight on how stress affects the human body. Turns out, it attacks our biological age.

First, it signals our body to release adrenaline and cortisol (both are stress hormones). The result is inflammation and damaged DNA. Over time, this compounds into oxidative stress.

In recent years, the concept of telomeres has entered the age chat. Telomeres are little shields that cap our chromosomes. They are thought to shorten as cells divide. Why is this important? Because they can indicate our biological age.

And – shocker – stress shortens our telomeres. 

So, does stress age you? Yes, but there’s a lot you can do to turn back the clock. And the first order of business is understanding the causes of wrinkles, fine lines, and biological aging.


What are the Causes of Wrinkles?

Wrinkles come in many forms like crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, lip lines on your face, and wrinkles on your hands. Wrinkles and fine lines naturally arise over time, but certain factors can lead to accelerated aging, especially on the face and neck.

  • Stress: Does stress cause wrinkles? Yes, stress can ignite your cortisol levels, leading to more wrinkles and signs of aging.
  • Poor Sleep: The term “beauty sleep” wasn’t born from thin air. Sleep deprivation is associated with fine lines, wrinkles, drooping eyes, and sagging skin.
  • Nutrition: Chemically processed foods high in saturated fats can cause accelerated aging, bloating, paleness, wrinkles, and acne. Nutritional deficiencies can lead to dehydrated, dull skin that can invite wrinkles.
  • Sun exposure: We all love a sun-kissed glow, especially in the dreary winter months when the sun is sparse. But over-exposure to UV light can damage collagen and elastin, leading to wrinkles and dark spots.
  • Environmental causes: Sun damage, pollution, smoking, and environmental contaminants can stress out your skin and cause signs of aging like wrinkles and skin dryness.

While the causes of wrinkles vary, they all share a commonality: stress. So if you’re wondering “Does stress age you?,” the answer is yes.

Day-to-day life is stressful, but there are steps you can take to remove the stress triggers and reverse the signs of aging.


6 Ways to Reduce Stress and Slow Down Your Biological Age

Stress management is crucial to look and feel your best. While research shows that stress can accelerate aging, it also shows that you can restore damaged cells and repair oxidative stress by removing the stress trigger(s).

Bottom line? Solving the mystery, “does stress age you,” can be as simple as making a few lifestyle tips. Easier said than done though, right? We get it. 

You don’t have to completely upend your life to see positive results. Follow a few of the tips below that align with your lifestyle and goals. It’s all about creating a de-stressing routine that works for you.


Remove (or minimize) any specific stress triggers

First, isolate the biggest source of your stress. For example, if work is the culprit, cut back your hours or make that career move you’ve been thinking about for months.

Create an accessible exercise or fitness routine

Did you know that walking releases feel good brain chemicals (endorphins)? Find an exercise routine that works for you and feel the stress melt away.

Try meditation, yoga, and deep breathing

Research suggests that mindfulness exercises can help reduce anxiety and depression while reducing the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. 

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Caffeine, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners can alter your gut bacteria and enhance stress.  Swap those out for foods rich in dietary fiber (veggies), omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish), and fermented foods (yogurt, kimchi) to give your body an added defense against stress.

Make time for hobbies and activities you love

We live in a stressful world, any doom scrolling session will highlight that. This means it’s more important than ever to engage in fulfilling hobbies. Dancing, singing, and joyful activities stimulate your vagus nerve which regulates all of your body’s major functions. So go ahead, sing in the shower, your body will thank you!

Choose the right supplements and skincare

You don’t need a 12-step skincare routine to slow down the signs of aging. You just need quality skincare, vitamins, and supplements formulated with trusted ingredients proven to minimize fine lines and wrinkles. 


At Forever Beaumore, we create complex wellness solutions packed with skin-loving ingredients that give you a gorgeous glow from within.

For example, our fan-favorite embody Retinol Gummy is packed with essential vitamins and nutrients like Vitamins B6 and 12, Biotin, and Vitamin A. Our edible skin care gummies boost collagen production while improving texture and blemishes. 

Our line of premium, time-honored skincare combines ancient beauty traditions with modern innovation to curate effective products that turn back the clock on aging.


Melt Your Stress Away with Forever Beaumore!

To recap: Does stress age you? The answer to that question is a resounding yes. The answer to your skincare concerns? Forever Beaumore.

Shop now and create a timeless, low-stress skincare routine. 

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